IT Consulting

You know where you want to take your business. We know what technology to get it there.

Firsthand knowledge

We have over 15 years of experience and know-how in helping businesses take advantage of new technology. Whether you’re migrating to a new system or upgrading your hardware, our certified team can guide you through the always changing IT landscape. We keep up with these changes — it’s our job. Velon is certified by nearly a dozen internet security trade organizations. We know what will keep you safe and connected.


Velon’s consulting can help with:

  • Assessments – Not sure your setup is at its most efficient? Uncertain just how vulnerable you may be? We can give you a detailed assessment of your IT infrastructure’s current state.
  • Roadmaps – We can create a personalized, detailed strategy for building an IT infrastructure that frees your business to grow.
  • Compliance – Do you know if you’re in compliance with current state and federal regulations regarding personal data? We do.
  • Training – Even the best IT is vulnerable to human error. We can train your team on proper usage and best practices.
FREE eBook 3 Essential types of cyber security solutions your business must haveDownload Now